Raat Jawaan Hai is a comedy-drama series that revolves around the lives of three best friends: Radhika, Avinash, and Suman as they sail through the joys and futilities of being parents. The web series portrays reconciling great jobs, friendships, and chaos of bringing up kids in a light-hearted yet emotive manner, based upon complications and ease faced by modern-day parents.
Starring a talented cast comprising Anjali Dinesh Anand, Priya Bapat, Barun Sobti, and many more, it is a refreshing series that is directed by Sumeet Vyas and produced by Yamini Pictures Pvt Ltd which happens to be entertaining and heartwarming to be true for those looking forward to something light-hearted yet engaging. Watch Raat Jawaan Hai full series online on OTTplay.
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