The beautiful Shraddha Kapoor is a glam queen in these outfits

Team OTTplay

 Sep 11, 2023

 Glamorous wardrobe

Shraddha Kapoor’s wardrobe is filled with glamorous outfits, just check out these pictures

Stunning silver

The actress’ in this silver embroidered lehenga shines brighter than a star

Diamonds on her neck

That set of diamond choker necklace around her neck is perfectly placed with the outfit

Glossy short hair

Shraddha’s glossy short hair adds to her charm in this outfit

Shining bright

Shraddha doesn't fail to shine in her metallic leather pants and white crop top

Matching handbag

Check out how well her handbag goes with her pants in this picture

Night out

There is no one who wouldn't want to hang out with Shraddha