Somy Ali calls her relationship with Salman Khan the "worst years" of her entire existence; talks about alleged abuse by the superstar

Somy Ali calls herself a survivor of domestic violence

"I talked about being a survivor of domestic violence by a man I dated in India for eight years without once mentioning his name."

Somy Ali alleges Salman Khan called her a "shameful liar"

"Random attorney from New York send me a threatening email calling me a shameful liar that Salman ever hit me and that if I would not stop saying that he will sue me."

Somy Ali claims her maid heard Salman Khan hitting her

"It's absolutely disgusting because not only Salman but everyone around him, including my househelp, were aware that he would physically abuse me. My maid used to bang on the screams,door begging him to stop hitting me. She could hear my cries and screams asking him to please stop."

Somy Ali accuses Salman Khan of abusing other women

"This isn't breaking news, and we all know I am not the only woman he has abused who has dated him."

Somy Ali wished to marry Salman Khan

"My sole purpose for going to India was to marry Salman. I had no clue that the character he played in the film was the complete opposite in real life toward me."

Somy Ali calls Salman Khan "immoral"

"What he did was immoral and not only unethical, but he also hindered a chance for an abused woman, man, and, above all, children to be rescued from being sold into sex trafficking and many women from being victims of domestic violence."

Somy Ali describes her eight years with Salman Khan as "worst"

"There have been several witnesses to him abusing me verbally and physically. The eight years I spent with him were the worst years of my entire existence."

Salman Khan allegedly called Somy Ali "ugly and stupid"

"In addition to tons of affairs and flings, he would constantly belittle me by calling me ugly, stupid, and dumb. Not a day went by that he wouldn't make me feel worthless and small. He would not acknowledge me as his girlfriend in public for years, and when he finally did, he would insult me in front of his friends and berate me nonstop."

Somy Ali accuses Salman Khan of enjoying watching her in pain

"When Salman learned of these affairs, he had the guts to beat me, saying that I am a man and only men can cheat, not women. He was the epitome of a narcissistic personality and highly unpredictable, not to mention a sadist who enjoyed watching me in pain."

"Salman Khan is an egotistical maniac"

"I want him to confess to what he did to me and publicly apologize, which I know a man like Salman will never do. He is an egotistical maniac and will never change."

Salman Khan reportedly poured a drink on Somy Ali's hair

"He poured a glass of Thums Up over my hair because it had rum in it and it was the first time I was trying alcohol."

Somy Ali still gets nightmares

"I still have nightmares about what he did to me and how he treated me. I hope and pray that it will dissipate someday."

When was the last time Salman Khan and Somy Ali spoke to each other?

"The conversation ended with me throwing profanity at him as he rightfully asked for it, and I hung up on him. It was literally less than a minute of both of us speaking over each other and him telling me that I can say whatever I want about him and he doesn't care. Apparently that was a blatant lie, as if he did not care, he would not have gone above and beyond to ban a show that, if watched, could have saved countless lives. This was in January 2021."