Shraddha Srinath's Azerbaijan holiday diary

A fuss-free holiday

Shraddha wanted a quick getaway before starting her new film. Azerbaijan, she figured, was fuss free with visa on arrival

The Azerbaijan F1 route

Here, Shraddha is seen at a corner of the Baku city stretch of the Azerbaijan F1 route map

Cold and soviet holiday in Baku

"The outskirts of Baku looks very soviet and cold, but you enter the city and it is so full of life"

Soaking in the beauty of Baku

"Lovely large parks, coffee shops, huge promenade, cobbled roads and sidewalks"

Great weather to 'chill'

One of the pre-requisites for the holiday was fantastic weather, and by that she meant temperatures in single digits

A friendly nation

Shraddha's biggest takeaway from this trip, she says, is just how warm and friendly the people of Azerbaijan are. 

Great food, desserts and some blue cheese too

The actress loved all the food, wine and desserts she had during her trip, but blue cheese... well, not so much, going by this pic

Unleasing the child in her

If there is snow, one must play with it

An ever-lasting bond

"Cats. Soooooo many cats. Some friendly, some unbothered." This one wanted to settle with Shraddha for all of its nine lives.