Ridhima Pandit dazzles in her latest pictures

Team OTTplay

 Sep 13, 2023

 Dazzling diva

Ridhima Pandit’s sequin outfits make her shine like the star that she is

Blue radiance

The actress steals the spotlight in this beautiful blue sequin gown

Long, flowy locks

She chose to leave her beautiful flowy hair open for this look

Stylish stilettos

Her stylish stilettos up the glamour of her look

 Makeup game on point

Ridhima’s understated makeup highlights her natural beauty

It’s all in her eyes

It is easy to get lost in the actress’ beautiful, expressive eyes

Stunning in ethnics

Ridhima shows you that ethnic outfits can be super glam

Razzle dazzle

She stuns in this glossy green saree and dazzling sequin blouse