Nusshratt Bharuccha channels her inner fashion goddess in her latest pictures

Priyamm Dangi

 June 17, 2023

Fashion inspiration

Nushrratt Bharuccha is a fashion goddess in a white mini dress

All eyes on Nushrratt

The Dream Girl actress stole the spotlight with the long train

Details matter

Nushrratt opted for nude heels and a sleek bun to complement the fashion-forward outfit

Bold and beautiful

Her red lips and smokey eye makeup adds drama to the neutral-toned outfit

Attention to detail

Quirky embroidery, thigh-high slit, long train and a turtleneck neckline - what's not to love about this outfit?

Of grace and elan

The diva pulled off this bold number with grace and confidence

Of grace and elan

The diva pulled off this bold number with grace and confidence