Namitha Pramod is a quintessential beach babe

Khyati Pandya

 May 04, 2023

Beach babe

Namitha Pramod pairs black wide leg denims with a red puffer jacket, a black crossbody and white sneakers

Love in Liverpool

The Traffic actress soaks up the sun and the salty breeze at Formby Beach in Liverpool, England

Wind in her hair

A beach bum at heart, Namitha sports a pair of black shades and lets her hair down

Over the dunes

Namitha poses against a pier along the vast dunes at the popular tourist attraction

Sibling love

Namitha shares a light moment with her younger sister Akitha who accompanies her on this trip

Breathtaking views

The Ormayundo Ee Mukham star gazes at panoramic views of the rolling dunes and shrubbery

Dazzling sunset

Namitha finds no greater pleasure than to take in the sunset beyond the waves

Fresh-faced glory

She opts for a natural look with just a hint of eyeliner highlighting her large brown eyes

Salty and sweet

She looks truly content after spending a day in the shifting sands and gentle waves