Mrunal Thakur is effortlessly chic in this black midi dress

Queen of glam

Mrunal Thakur's glamour never takes a day off.  

Flattering neckline

She dons this simple yet elegant sleeveless V-neck dress.

Marvelous in midi dress

Mrunal Thakur aces this midi dress with circular graphic prints.

Beautiful smile

Her smile always mesmerises her fans. 

Messy hair no care

She sports a messy hairstyle with this attire.

Friendship goals

Showing off her beautiful friendship with fellow actor Mahima Makwana.

Elegant and chic

Slaying this midi dress with geometrical designs.

Sheer dress

Glamorous in this green A-line dress with cinched style.

Perfect accessories

Midi skirts pair well with knee-length boots.