Mission Raniganj, Airlift and 6 other Akshay Kumar movies based on real stories

Team OTTplay

 Sep 22, 2023


Airlift is based on the story of Mathunny Mathews, who secured the evacuation of 1,70,000 Indians from Kuwait in 1990


Akshay plays the role of Rustom Pavri, who murdered his wife's lover, in this courtroom drama


This is a gripping last-stand story based on Havildar Ishar Singh, who defends a fort against the Pashtuns along with 21 sikh soldiers


Inspired by the story of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who invented a machine to make affordable sanitary pads

Samrat Prithviraj

This is the story of king Prithviraj Chauhan defending Mir Hossain from his brother, Muhammad Ghori


The actor plays Tapan Das, who led the Indian hockey team to win a gold medal at the 1948 Summer Olympics

Mission Mangal

A tale of a group of ISRO scientists and the hardships they faced while working on the Mars orbiter mission

Mission Raniganj

The upcoming film is based on Shri Jaswant Singh Gill’s rescue of trapped miners in a flooded coal mine