Milana Nagaraj is simply stunning in her saree look

Milana Nagaraj is simply stunning in her saree look

The Love Mocktail girl looks gorgeous in the deep lavender saree

The Love Mocktail girl looks gorgeous in the deep lavender saree

There's an ethereal quality about her elegance

There's an ethereal quality about her elegance

She is as radiant as the sun in this golden chiffon saree, isn't she?

She is as radiant as the sun in this golden chiffon saree, isn't she?

Milana boasts an effortless grace and this click proves just that

Milana boasts an effortless grace and this click proves just that

The actor-producer has an alluring charm about her

The actor-producer has an alluring charm about her

Her smile has won her many admirers across the globe

Her smile has won her many admirers across the globe

Milana shot to fame with the 2020 rom-com 'Love Mocktail'

Milana shot to fame with the 2020 rom-com 'Love Mocktail'

She looks a sight for sore eyes in the Burgundy saree

She looks a sight for sore eyes in the Burgundy saree