Matthew Perry aka Chandler’s 7 iconic dialogues we will always remember

Artika Bansal

 Oct 29, 2023

Deeply missed

Matthew Perry aka Chandler from famous sitcom Friends passed away and we remember his legacy with his iconic dialogues

Season 2 Episode 24

"I’m sorry we, we don’t have your sheep." Chandler and Rachel’s friendship was supreme

Season 3 Episode 9

“I want to start drinking in the morning. Don’t say I don’t have goals!” Post breakup learnings from the guy himself

 Season 4 Episode 16

“I say more dumb things before 9 A.M. than most people say all day.” He knows how reasonable he is

Season 6 Episode 24

“Hi, I’m Chandler. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable.” Chandler knew how to handle awkward situations best

Season 7 Episode 2

"Of course, We'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old." Chandler is the best bestfriend to Joey

Season 8 Episode 17

“I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” Humour and sarcasm were Chandler’s defence mechanism 

Season 10 Episode 5

“If I were a guy and…did I just say ‘if I were a guy?’” No one could say this better than Mr Bing