Lisa Loring to Jenna Ortega: Actresses who played Wednesday Addams on screen

Team OTTplay

 Nov 26, 2023

Lisa Loring

Lisa Loring first played Wednesday Addams in the 1964 TV series, The Addams Family

Cindy Henderson

Cindy Henderson featured in the 1972 animated series The New Scooby-Doo, as a voice artist

Christina Ricci

Christina Ricci made the fictional character popular in the 1991 movie The Addams Family

Debi Derryberry

In 1992, Debi Derryberry voiced the character of Wednesday in the animated series, The New Addams Family

Nicole Fugere

Nicole Fugere essayed the character in the TV series Addams Family Reunion that premiered in 1998

Chloë Grace Moretz

Chloë Grace Moretz played Wednesday in The Addams Family, a 2019 animated series

Jenna Ortega

In Netflix’s recent venture, Jenna Ortega plays the iconic character of Wednesday Addams in the web series titled Wednesday