Kushi actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu's desirable travelogue

Team OTTplay

 July 31, 2023

Turkey Calling

Globetrotter Samantha Ruth Prabhu never shies away from sending postcards from her exotic trips

Smile of Contentment

The lovely glow on her face suggests that she is having a great time in Turkey! Possibly from a visit to one of the baths?

In Good Company

Of course, she is joined by her Kushi co-star and close pal Vijay Devarakonda. The two look quite pleased in each other's company

While We're Young

Life's too short to not be adventurous and Samantha seems like she loves to try something new

Everyday Capers

Her trip to Bali with best bud seems to be all about shenanigans, we gather :)

On The Move

Samantha evidently loves to pack in some time to explore the local scene, every time she is out to a new location on work

Chasing Sunsets

Quite clearly, Samantha prefers to shed that superstar image when she isn't working so that she can enjoy such moments of bliss

One With The Nature

Samantha looks incredibly happy and chirpy splashing water around. This still is from her Goa trip, we learn