Kannadathi's Ranjani Raghavan is living it up in Lisbon

Team OTTplay

April 11, 2023

First international trip

Ranjani has been posting images from her first foreign trip on social media

A birthday special

Ranjani joined a close pal for this girls-only trip. She took to social media to thank everyone for wishing her

Best buddies together

Ranjani undertook the trip with her best friend Samyukta, whose birthday is only two days after hers

Feeling the pulse of Portugal

Ranjani's trip has been about exploring the nation and its vibe

Soaking in the sights and smells

Much of her tip so far as been about exploring the coastal towns of Portugal

Yummy in Ranjani's tummy

No foreign trip is complete without sampling local cuisine and Ranjani's been busy trying it all out

Of culture and beauty

Ranjani visited all the usual touristy destinations, and took pictures of the architectural beauties in Portugal

Ending the trip on a high note

When you are by the sea, you've got to experience the full might of it

Kayaking in the Atlantic

While Ranjani didn't try scuba diving, she went kayaking in the Atlantic and had a jolly good time