Kalki Koechlin reveals all about sex, drugs and pay parity in Bollywood

Team OTTplay

 July 25, 2023

Unabashed honesty

Kalki Koechlin has always been unabashedly honest, expressing her views on several subjects 

Sex, drugs and rock and roll

The Made in Heaven 2 actress recently spoke about sex, drugs and rock and roll

Men in the bedroom 

Kalki said that men need to learn to prioritise their partner’s pleasure and be more attentive to their needs

On masturbation

The actress said she felt societal shame talking about masturbation, but this is not the case abroad 

Dating an actor

While dating an actor, she realised that there was a significant pay disparity between them

Bollywood pay parity

She realised that male actors earned much more for their second film than she did in 10 years 

Morally loose white girl

Kalki spoke about the stereotype associated with being a "morally loose white girl"