Get candid with Sara Tendulkar

The Stop-I'm-not-ready pose

Golden hour glow with Sara

Yellow daze 

Admiring the decor while taking a picture is one way of getting a candid shot

Smiles and Snuggles

Sara and her pet pooch are quite the photogenic pair

Candid grins

Poolside pictures is best with a wide smile

Flip that hair

Mid ponytail flip restaurant clicks are as candid as it gets

If you like Pina Coladas 

Sipping cocktails under the summer sky 

Caught with Chai

Brunch is all about a beaming Sara 

Art all the way

Admiring wall art in a cozy jacket

Good hair days

Getting candid with a view of the Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai

Sun Smiles and Sara

A golden hour casual pictures to get that glow