Jon Snow as Batman

*Always brooding *Fell in love with the enemy *Ready to sacrifice own life for the mission

Robb Stark as Superman

*Noble to a fault *Loved by the many, hated by the few *Friends and family comes before anything else *Born to lead

Ramsay Bolton as The Joker

*A sadistic psychopath *Finds pleasure in torture and murder *Has a deranged sense of humour

Sansa Stark as Batgirl

*Red-head *Daughter of a respected custodian of law and order *Has had traumatic encounter(s) with the Joker/Ramsay

Tywin Lannister as Lex Luthor

*Has self-belief that he is the  smartest person in any room *Has a warped sense of justice  *Follows a set of self-imposed  principles

Yara Greyjoy as Wonder Woman

*One of the greatest female warrior ever  *Defacto leader of a group islanders

Oberyn Martell as The Flash

*Quick on his feet and quick with his mouth *A feared combatant *Has tendency of stumbling at the most inopportune moment 

Beric Dondarrion as Green Lantern

*Wields power through 'light' *Part of a 'cult-like' organisation

Brienne of Tarth as Big Barda

*Intimidates both men and women with her size, strength, and skill *Uncompromising and relentless

Cersei and Joffrey as Morgan Le Fay and Mordred

*A power hungry mother *Her spoiled, petulant, and psychotic son

Davos Seaworth as Martian Manhunter

*Last of his kind *Noble, loyal, and empathetic like no other

Daenerys Targaryen as Terra

*Youngest daughter to a King and Queen *Both her parents murdered in a coup *Has flaming blonde hair and turns evil

Arya Stark as Orphan

*Trained from a very young age to be an assassin *One of the he most lethal hand-to hand combatants ever  

Tyrion Lannister as Etrigan

*A man who rhymes with words of wisdom, but at times talks gibberish *Has been called a 'demon' on more than a few occasions

The Mountain as Bane

*Just a few inches shy of 7 feet in height *Known for crushing bones and skulls with bare hands *A feared fighter

Bran Stark as Metron

*An all-seeing being with unfathomable knowledge of the past, present, and future *Stuck in a wheelchair

Theon Greyjoy as Aquaman

*Master of the seas *Ridiculed as a character in the past  *Redeemed as a fearsome warrior