Discover Sara Ali Khan's secrets for glowing and healthy skin

Sushmita Barik

Mar 13, 2023

Beauty regimen

Sara Ali Khan has some effective beauty secrets for achieving healthy and glowing skin

Simplicity is key

Sara keeps her daily skincare routine simple by using only a face wash followed by moisturiser

Fruitful beauty

Sara applies leftover fruits on her skin to get a natural glow

Homemade facial pack

For cleansing her skin, she prefers using a homemade face pack made of honey and malai (cream)

Sun protection

Sunscreen is a must-have for Sara, and she never forgets to apply it before stepping out

Beauty sleep

Sara makes sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep every day, which is essential for healthy skin

Daily workout

The actress believes in the power of exercise, as it not only helps her stay in shape but also gives her skin a natural glow