Dia Mirza channels soft girl glam in sequins saree

Artika Bansal

 Oct 23, 2023

Roll with red

The Dhak Dhak actress opted for this beautiful red saree recently and we are in awe

Sequinned gorgeously

This printed saree with delicate sequin embellishments is a gorgeous piece of clothing

Flower power

The floral motifs make it a vibrant daywear piece and an elegant choice for evening wear

Keeping it straight

No curls, no styling, simple straight hair was perfect

Statement earrings

Dia’s earrings complemented the saree well and are definitely a statement piece

Minimal makeup

One of the best makeup look so far! Minimal, soft and just so pretty

Graceful & gracious

Her looks have always been graceful and we cannot wait for more

Style inspiration

It’s festive time of the year, so take notes on saree styling!