Christian Bale to Clint Eastwood: Famous actors who turned down a chance to be James Bond!

Team OTTplay

 July 10, 2023

Cary Grant

The very suave and amazing Cary Grant felt he was too old by the time the first Bond film came to be & was keen on doing only one film

Richard Burton

The acting giant is said to have opted out because he thought that James Bond was still an untested role. Also, he wanted more money!

Clint Eastwood

The OG cool guy would have been perfect as 007. But apparently he turned it down because he felt Bond has to be British!

Burt Reynolds

He was approached for Diamonds Are Forever but, much like Eastwood, he thought James Bond should be British 

Liam Neeson

Apparently, Neeson's late wife & the very amazing Natasha Richardson refused to marry him if he chose to become James Bond!

Christian Bale

Quite fascinatingly, Bale saw Bond character as 'very British' and stereotypical. Also, he felt he had already played a killer in American Psycho

Dominic West

The very talented actor reportedly "heard" that Pierce Brosnan was planning a return as James Bond and humbly bowed out

Henry Cavill

Well, Henry Cavill never really turned down James Bond but he was considered 'too young' for the role by the makers