Bigg Boss OTT 2: Inside "The Strange House" of the Salman Khan's reality show

Team OTTplay

June 15, 2023

Great use of recycled materials

The creative director, Omung Kumar, and the production designer, Vanita Garud Kumar, have made a design that is engaging and makes great use of recycled materials, which is a new definition of creativity.

An artistic longetivity

Every space, from the foyer to the bedroom to the formal dining room, displays a story of artistic longevity.

Recycled plastic bottles at foyer

Bigg Boss' foyer features repurposed plastic bottles that look right at home among the chandeliers and lamps.

Egg cartons take up the walls

The egg cartons on the walls of the kitchen, a central room in the house, offer a touch of eccentricity through their unusual shape and texture.

Vibrant kitchen set up

Spoons, spatulas, and kadchis are repurposed into eye-catching works of art, and springs and clip hangers are put to inventive use in the dining area to add a splash of colour.

Psychedelic theme!

The psychedelic colour scheme and patterning of the bedroom are both unique and stylish. This incredible home is a reminder that sustainable design may come from the most unlikely of sources.

Here's how the bathroom looks

In the bathroom of 'The Strange House', toilet seats are mounted on the walls and supplemented by mirrors; loofahs, brushes, and even recycled trash cans are cleverly reused into unusual light fixtures; and so on.

Black love zone

This season of Bigg Boss OTT will have a number of different lounge areas, including a vibrant black love zone where housemates may arrange pillows emblazoned with letters on the walls to construct phrases and express themselves.

Unique jail

In addition to the usual garden amenities like a swimming pool and a gym, there is also a unique jail setting to explore on the grounds.