Avika Gor takes you on a trip to Vietnam with these pictures

Team OTTplay

 Sep 5, 2023

Land of the blue dragon

Avika Gor looks captivating in every single photo of her Vietnam album

Amid wilderness

The actress is enjoying the serenity of nature in a beautiful white midi dress

At one with nature

She looks at peace being surrounded by the lush green surroundings of Vietnam

A forest fairy

Avika’s beautiful curly hair and flowy white dress make her look like a forest fairy

Concrete jungle

The actress transports us from the wilderness to Vietnam's metropolis

Boss lady vibes

Avika exudes boss lady energy in a green suit and silver sandals

Sharp gaze

You can’t help but take notice of her in this stunning outfit

Ready for a night out

The actress is all set for a fun night out in Vietnam in this printed mini dress