Anjali Arora is hotter than the summer sun in these pictures

Team OTTplay

 Sep 5, 2023

Beating the heat

Anjali Arora is beating the heat in style in this fabulous summer outfit

Ocean hues

The actress is raising the bar for pool wear in a blue one-shoulder crop top and printed sarong

Orange tinted glasses

Her funky orange tinted glasses are a stylish addition to her overall look

An eye for details

Anjali’s matching blue earrings go perfectly with her outfit

Sunkissed beauty

She misses no chance to bask in the sunshine

Minimal makeup

The actress’ light lip gloss and subtle blush enhances her natural look

Hair as wavy as the ocean

Anjali is taking our breath away with her wavy brown hair with golden highlights

Playful expressions

The look is truly complete with Anjali’s charm and charisma