Ajith's pictures with his family are breaking the internet

Ajith's pictures with his family are breaking the internet

MY daddy strongest

Smile of a daughter is a father's secret purpose

Smile of a daughter is a father's secret purpose

Dad, a boy's first hero

My dad doesn't hold my hand, he has my back

My dad doesn't hold my hand, he has my back

family first

Family is not just important, it's everything

Family is not just important, it's everything

two peas in a pod

The good things in life are better with you

The good things in life are better with you

better together

We are two of a kind

We are two of a kind

true love never gets old

Good things in life are better with you

Good things in life are better with you

home is family

A happy family is but an earlier heaven

A happy family is but an earlier heaven

love is the flower

You have got to let it grow

You have got to let it grow

P.s. i love you

All of me, loves all of you

All of me, loves all of you