movies to watch before yoy die

8 movies you must watch before you die

Shramana Kar

the godfather

The Godfather (Netflix)

The sweeping pace, grand visuals, and powerful music score elevated the film to epic status, making it a cult-classic drama ever made.

2001 - a space odyssy

2001: A Space Odyssey (Prime Video rent)

This mind-bending sci-fi film ranks among the all-time greats, offering a captivating story that breaks the mould.

forrest gump

Forrest Gump (Netflix)

This Tom Hanks-starrer gives a message on patriotism, friendship, and family ties. The star won his second Oscar for his role as Gump.

The Shawshank Redemption (Netflix)

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman’s epic movie reminds you of your self-worth and highlights the importance of having hope.

Beetlejuice (Prime Video rent)

This film sparks creativity among kids even now. Tim Burton's dark character, the costumes, the props - everything fuels people’s interest.

Mughal-E-Azam (ZEE5)

This historical drama is a masterpiece of Indian cinema. It's the first ever black-and-white film to be digitally coloured in India.

Pulp Fiction (Prime Video)

This film is highly praised for its unique narrative and style. It's considered Quentin Tarantino's greatest achievement and a landmark in world cinema till date.

Mother India (Prime Video)

Starring Nargis, this epic film portrays the struggles of a brave woman. The film won much acclaim for its poignant storytelling and moving performances.