Team OTTplay
This popular show follows Bal Ganesh, the son of Lord Shiva, as he sets out on many adventures, defeating the evil forces. He is accompanied by his vehicle and friend, Mooshak, the mouse.
This cartoon series follows a young boy, Bheem, who is very brave and intelligent. He frequently finds solutions to various issues, winning the affection of the Dholakpur residents.
Vir, a robot, teams up with his friends - Imli, his magical jinn Gintu, and pet donkey Chulbul - to beat the various challenges thrown at them.
This cartoon series chronicles the childhood days of Lord Krishna and how he saves the people of a village from the evil Kamsa.
Motu, a fat man, and Patlu, a lean man, are best buddies. They often land in trouble and help each other in a variety of creative ways.
The three chicks - Eena, Meena, and Deeka - cause chaos wherever they go. But they must continually outwit Foxie, a crafty and ravenous fox that is out to kill them.
In this show which began airing in 2021, young detective Chimpoo and his pet dog Simpoo use their intelligence to crack mysterious cases.
This cartoon follows 4-year-old Raju, who has superpowers. He uses his extraordinary abilities to protect people from criminals.