Nutty Boy is an imaginative youngster with big ideas who enjoys including everyone in his adventures, even if they sometimes don't turn out as he had hoped. The cast includes Gabriel Homulth, Digao Ribeiro, Lorena Castro, Vicente Penna, Carol Roberto, Italo Luiz, Pedro Ottoni, Alex Barone, Melissa Garcia, Zayra Zordan, Diego Marques, Roberto Garcia, and Marcus Pejon. Produced by Chatrone for Netflix, The Nutty Boy is adapted by Carina Schulz and Rodrigo Olaio, directed by Beto Gomez and Michele Massagli, with art direction by Beta Kruger and Walkir Fernandes and animation directed by Fits. Gustavo Suzuki is the lead screenwriter. This is Netflix's first Brazilian animated series, an adaptation of the Brazilian children's literature classic written by Ziraldo.
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