The acclaimed science fiction horror drama television series created by the Duffer Brothers, navigates through the lives of Steve, Max, Dustin, Robin, and Lucas, among other residents of Hawkins, 6 months after the Battle of Starcourt. Hopper is imprisoned in the snowy wasteland of Kamchatka, Russia, where he faces dangers both human and supernatural whereas, struggling with the aftermath, the Byers family, along with Eleven, move to California, thus separating the group of friends. As they navigate the complexities of high school without each other, a new supernatural threat surfaces, presenting a mystery, that, if solved, could possibly end the horrors of the Upside Down. The Netflix original series will see Winona Ryder, David Harbour, Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown, and Noah Schnapp, along with most of the star-studded cast reprising their roles.
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