Starring Aaditi Pohankar in the lead role, She is a Netflix crime-drama series created by acclaimed filmmaker Imtiaz Ali, who is known for his works like Jab We Met, Rockstar, Highway, and Tamasha. The show tells the story of Bhumika Pardeshi, a timid Mumbai constable who has to go undercover to bust a drug ring. This assignment paves way for her path to empowerment, as she realizes the potential of her dormant sexuality. Alongside Aaditi Pohankar, the show also features performances from Vijay Varma, Vishwas Kini, Kishore Kumar G, Shivani Rangole, Suhita Thatte, Sandeep Dhabale, and Saqib Ayub. Season 2 of the series sees Bhumika return to the dark side of Mumbai for a final secret operation, in a braver and bolder avatar.
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