Rocket Boys Season 2 is a Hindi drama series directed by Abhay Pannu. The story portrays the efforts of three great men— Dr Homi J. Bhabha, Dr Vikram Sarabhai and Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam— to launch various nuclear and space programmes on behalf of India. Despite facing numerous challenges, these men never gave up on their dreams and were determined to make them a reality. Season 2 takes place after the death of former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and revolves around the monetary issues faced for building the nuclear reactors and the setbacks they faced while starting the Indian space program. The series stars Jim Sarbh, Ishwak Singh, Regina Cassandra, Saba Azad, Rajit Kapoor, Arjun Radhakrishnan, Karthik Srinivasan, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Namit Das and K.C. Shankar in prominent roles.
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