This comedy Web film is story is based in Ballia in Eastern UP. It humorously depicts the unbalanced nature of our society and the deep rooted old stereotypes which we fit as per our convenience in Today world. Humourous take on the status divide between Bihar vs UP and how it affects the common life of a mafiosi family. The role that media plays in today's world and how it affects the smallest in the most rural places. In Amma's world, nobody is averse to play games and politics specially inside the family. It's a satire showcasing the on the life of a women in small time Mafiosi family and how under that roof all these situations exist. It also attempts to show that our standards are different for different people and relationships and we convincingly believe it.This comedy Web film is story is based in Ballia in Eastern UP. It humorously depicts the unbalanced nature of our society and the deep rooted old stereotypes which we fit as per our convenience in Today world. Humourous take on the status divide between Bihar vs UP and how it affects the common life of a mafiosi family. The role that media plays in today's world and how it affects the smallest in the most rural places. In Amma's world, nobody is averse to play games and politics specially inside the family. It's a satire showcasing the on the life of a women in small time Mafiosi family and how under that roof all these situations exist. It also attempts to show that our standards are different for different people and relationships and we convincingly believe it.
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