The Japanese-American mecha web animated series, developed and co-written by Greg Johnson and Craig Kyle for Netflix, is based on the world of the Pacific Rim franchise by Guillermo del Toro and Travis Beacham. Directed by Hiroyuki Hayashi and Jae-hong Kim, it is set in the same universe as Pacific Rim (2013). A race of hostile monsters called Kaiju arise from the Pacific Rim and occupy the continent of Australia with the intention of wiping out humankind. Although humans build Jaegers, which are colossal armed robots, to combat Kaijus, they end up being defeated. Five years after these events, two survivors, teenage siblings Hayley and Taylor Travis, discover an abandoned training Jaeger called the Atlas Destroyer which they activate and set out on a journey to find their parents, who never returned after leaving to battle Kaijus. Moreover, they must also deal with Kaijus and other survivors attempting to capture the Atlas Destroyer for themselves. The voice cast includes Gideon Adlon, Calum Worthy, Camryn Jones, Cole Keriazakos, Erica Lindbeck, Ben Diskin, Victoria Grace, Andy McPheem Jason Spisak, Allie MacDonald, Bryton James and Martin Klebba, among others.
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