The series is set in the backdrop of Surat, a city infested with the exploitation of workers who arrive there hoping for a better life. The hard-hitting story follows Ajay, a migrant labourer, who reaches Surat hoping for the greener side of life. Revolted by the actual conditions, he is determined to break free and make a dent. He rises from strength to strength while Naresh, another migrant with similar aspirations but low morality, has turned into a crime-lord. They are both brought together by Chintu, an ambitious young boy full of cunning. Pooling forces, they plot to overthrow Pitambar, another don out to stamp any threats to his domination. Aligned by similar ideals, the three form a gang that seems to be on the path to changing the status quo. This is unacceptable to Pitamber, a reigning Don of Surat. What follows is a bloody face-off that will change their lives forever and prompt them to ask, was all this worth it?
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