Koffee with Karan is an enduring Indian talk show hosted by filmmaker and TV personality Karan Johar, known for its engaging conversations and candid celebrity revelations. The show, produced by Dharmatic Entertainment, a subsidiary of Dharma Productions, premiered on November 19, 2004, marking the beginning of its remarkable eighteen-year journey.
Over the years, Koffee with Karan has been a prominent fixture in Indian television, and it transitioned from being aired on Star World India to becoming a Disney+ Hotstar exclusive in 2022, produced by Dharmatic Entertainment. Its enduring success has made it the second-longest-running talk show on Indian Hindi-language television.
Each season of the show features a diverse array of guests from the Indian film industry, and its popularity continues to thrive. In its latest season, which premiered on July 7, 2022, with Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt as guests, the show provides an intimate look into the lives of Bollywood celebrities.
In this latest episode, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, a beloved couple both on and off-screen, make a special appearance. They share personal stories, including the heartwarming tale of their engagement, which took place in a picturesque location. Deepika, on the show, also delves into her experiences with mental health and how she met Ranveer, who has been a source of support for her.
Karan Johar, the charismatic host, takes this opportunity to open up about his own life, expressing his longing for a partner and discussing his personal mental health journey. The show's emotional depth and candid conversations resonate with its viewers, making it a celebrated and enduring part of Indian television culture.
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