Hospital Ship originally titled Byeong-won-seon is a Korean romantic drama series directed by Park Jae-bum. The story revolves around a group of doctors who live and commute on a ship and provide medical care to the citizens residing on various islands. Three doctors Song Eun Jae, Kwak Hyun and Kim Jae Geol put away their differences and work together for the well-being of people from various villages. Slowly they find of sense of friendship due to the proximity in their working environment. The series stars Ha Ji-Won, Kang Min Hyuk, Kim Kwang-Gyu, In-gi Jeong, Han-wi Lee, Park Joon-geum, Seo-won Lee, Ji-won Wang, Mina Kwon, Won-joong Jung, Kyung Soon Jung, In-sik Kim, Seo-won Jang and Hwa-yeon Cha in prominent roles.
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