Directed by José Henrique Fonseca, Izabel Jaguaribe and Rog de Souza, Good Morning Veronica is a crime thriller show that continues from its first season. Based on the novel Bom Dia, Verônica, written by Raphael Montes and Ilana Casoy under the pseudonym Andrea Killmore, the plot follows the story of Veronica, a cop tasked with investigating two murders that involve women who have faced abuse. As the series progresses, Veronica eventually decides to take matters into her own hands. Set in Brazil, the show is said to be inspired by true events of the murder of a girl named Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro in 1992. Starring Tainá Müller, Eduardo Moscovis, Camila Morgado, Elisa Volpatto, Silvio Guindane, César Mello, Adriano Garib and Antônio Grassi, the series is created by Raphael Montes.
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