Based on the novel of the same name by Kristin Hannah, Firefly Lane is an American drama series created by Maggie Friedman. The series follows the lives of two teenage girls, Tully and Kate, who meet on Firefly Lane in the 1970s—with the series tracing their friendship all the way through to their adulthood in the early 2000s. Season 2 examines what could have possibly ended the tight-knit decades-spanning friendship of Tully and Kate. The series features performances from Katherine Heigl, Sarah Chalke, Ben Lawson, Beau Garrett, Ali Skovbye, Roan Curtis, Yael Yurman, Brendan Taylor, Greg Germann, Martin Donovan, Jolene Purdy, India de Beaufort, Ignacio Serricchio, Paul McGillion, Chelah Horsdal, Jason McKinnon, Brandon Jay McLaren, and Jon-Michael Ecker.
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