The animated sci-fi action-adventure series is created by Roger Black and Waco O'Guin. The plot follows the life of an intergalactic anti-hero called Renzo, who, along with his crew named S.H.A.T., protects the human city in a dome by killing and occasionally eating them. As they embark on their journey, Renzo’s naive and pure-hearted son, Prince Fichael ends up discovering dark secrets about his father. Starring Lance Reddickas Renzo, the rest of the cast includes Grey Griffin, Kari Wahlgren, Carlos Alazraqui, Dana Snyder, David Kaye, Brian Hanby, and Luke McQuillan. The series is produced by Roger Black, Scott D. Greenberg, Joel Kuwahara, Waco O'Guin, Marc Provissiero and Dan Signer.
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