Country Mafia: Chadega Khoon Ka Nasha is a high-octane criminal drama series. Shashank Raai, noted for his work on Sher Singh, Raktanchal, and Suvreen Guggal: Topper of the Year, directs the series. Deepak Gupta and Balendu Dixit, under the umbrella of Gold Harvest Films, are producing the series. The series is co-produced by Romit Dasgupta and Shamit Kalra. The vengeance thriller stars an ensemble cast. It stars Bhojpuri superstar Ravi Kishan as Babban Rai, the boss of the booze mafia. Along with him, Soundarya Sharma plays Nannu, while Anshumaan Pushkar from "Grahan" plays Nannu's brother Ajay. The story follows the lives of two brothers, Ajay and Nannu, who studied overseas before relocating to India to chase their ambition of becoming IAS officers. Life, however, has other plans for them, and they start on a journey of vengeance against Babban Rai, the richest liquor baron in Bihar, who brutally killed their father. Mamta, played by Anita Raj, assists her children in exacting retribution for her husband's murder. Despite her husband's murder, she continues to wear the sindoor and has promised to wash it off the day she exacts her revenge on Babban.
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