The American comedy series, created by Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon, ran for six seasons. Set in a community college, the story follows a rag-tag group of individuals who form a study group in a desperate attempt to pass their exams. Joel McHale plays the role of a debarred lawyer trying to legitimise his degree by attending the local community college. He soon forms an unlikely friendship with his study group comprising of an unrelenting social activist played by Gillian Jacobs, a devoted mother played by Yvette Nicole, a studious younger student played by Allison Brie, an elderly business tycoon played by Chevy Chase, and the inseparable geeky friends played by Danny Pudi and Donald Glover. Ken Jeong and Jim Rash essay other important roles, with guest appearances from John Oliver. The series is popular for bending the rules of conventional storytelling with hints of surrealism in its narrative.
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