"Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak" follows the poignant journey of a mother, unknowingly separated from her daughters due to a cruel scheme, as their paths unexpectedly intertwine. Together, they must confront the antagonist responsible for tearing their family apart. Directed by Prateek Shah, the series delves into the heartfelt drama of a family's relentless struggle to reunite against formidable odds. Sayali Salunkhe stars as Vedika Sharma, alongside Abhishek Nigam as Sagar Maheshwari, Sumukhi Pendse as Rajeshwari Maheshwari, Vimarsh Roshan as Digvijay Maheshwari, Garima Vikrant Singh as Mayuri, Anushka Merchande as Koel, and Kimmy Kaur as Subhadra Maheshwari. Produced by Prateek Sharma, with music by Adil Prashant, "Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak" captivates audiences with its powerful narrative of love, loss, and the unyielding bonds of family.
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