Created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams for Netflix, the American crime drama television series stars Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as Marty, a financial advisor, and Wendy Byrde, a married couple who move with their family to the Lake of Ozarks region of central Missouri for money laundering to appease a drug boss, after a money-laundering scheme for a Mexican drug cartel goes wrong. Produced by MRC Television and Aggregate Films, the series navigates how the Byrde family becomes entangled with local criminals in Missouri, including the Langmore and Snell families, and later the Kansas City Mafia, after moving from the Chicago suburb of Naperville to the remote summer resort community of Osage Beach, Missouri under the pretext of living a more peaceful life. Along with Sofia Hublitz, Julia Garner, Jordana Spiro and Jason Butler Harner, the thrilling series explores the perilous situations that the Byrdes have to face as the consequences of their actions.
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