Jon Bernthal, who rose in popularity through his role as Shane Walsh in the popular television series The Walking Dead, plays Frank Castle, an ex-Marine whose family was brutally murdered by a gang of ruthless criminals. In search of vengeance, he becomes The Punisher, a superhero who serves justice by brutal and often lethal means. The show was created by Steve Lightfoot based on the Marvel character, The Punisher, created by Gerry Conway, John Romita Sr. And Ross Andru. The show boasts performances from actors Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Ben Barnes, Amber Rose Revah, Daniel Webber, Paul Schulze, Jason R. Moore, Giorgia Wingham, Michael Nathanson, Josh Stewart and Deborah Ann Woll among others. The show acts as a spin-off from the first Marvel Series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Daredevil. The show is a Crime-Drama Superhero Action series that is gritty and violent compared to other Marvel series and also handles darker themes like grief and death.
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