How I Met Your Mother is created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, which was roughly inspired by their friendship during the time they both used to live in New York City. The series follows Ted in 2030, who narrates his son and daughter the events that led him and their mother to cross each other's path during 2005-2013. This American sitcom explores Ted Mosby, also in the past with his friends in New York city's Manhattan. How I Met Your Mother never lost its existence among the audience due to its humor elements and unique plot. Robin's character in the show was played by the unknown Cobie Smulders, which was a wise choice by Bays and Thomas after Jennifer Love Hewitt turned down the role. For a long time Bays and Thomas addressed Jennifer as "a pretty famous actress" in various interviews who was replaced by Cobie, thus making the show alive and going. The show had a total of at least 29 women who had Ted dated but were not Luke and Penny's mother.
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