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Buying Beverly Hills series review: Talk about cheap thrills

If you have followed real estate reality shows, you can predict every single move these people take.

Buying Beverly Hills series review: Talk about cheap thrills
Buying Beverly Hills.

Last Updated: 02.35 PM, Feb 26, 2024



Real estate brokers have to sell mansions in Beverly Hills to prove their worth. This includes the CEO's daughters too. They also manage office romance, away from him but does it get too risky? What are the consequences? Find out.


Buying Beverly Hills gets the cinematography right instantly. Of course, when it comes to Beverly Hills, you can barely ever go wrong.

Like you would have guessed, this show is about brokers who sell houses. In fact, there's a whole family - the Umansky fam - that does so.

It is barely 20 minutes into the long show and you see drama unfolding, among men. Joey and Ben are those men. Joey, who is dating an Umansky, gets a hearing from the papa (CEO of his company). Welcome to the world of Buying Beverly Hills.


Brandon is the reflection of confidence and bitchy in one. He's in the business from the word go.

Complicated is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to working in this agency. Everybody has been on at least a casual date with their co-worker and it's pretty normal for everyone involved. Including the CEO's daughter. In fact, it happens openly in the office, except in front of papa bear.

The good part of the series are the forced, matured conversations. The realistic way in which the show progresses is also definitely one of the best things about it.

Brandon is the star of the series. He's confident, he's witty and he's part-inspirational. The guy lights up the screen.

Meanwhile, office drama continues and it gets tiring despite the funky music. Although everything gets cooler but there's very little to hold on to with this series.


Buying Beverly Hills is fun but mostly predictable. You have no surprise element and more than that, you have only moments to hook onto rather than the whole show. It's a good attempt but we deserved better.


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