Yuva, directed by Santhosh Ananddram and produced by Hombale Films, is the much-anticipated launchpad of Yuva Rajkumar, which releases in theatres on March 29
Last Updated: 02.20 PM, Feb 28, 2024
Yuva Rajkumar, the younger son of Raghavendra Rajkumar and nephew of Shivarajkumar and the late Puneeth Rajkumar, is all set for his film debut in exactly a month’s time. His launchpad, Yuva, directed by Santhosh Ananddram, is one of the most anticipated films of the year and after maintaining a studious silence about it, looks like the team is finally ready to go all out with promotions. As a first step, the first single from the film is coming audience’s way. Hombale Films, which has produced Yuva, announced a little while ago that the single will be launched on March 2. An exact time has not been revealed, though.
Yuva Rajkumar’s film, meanwhile, is a campus tale, revolving around gang wars at an engineering college and one student stepping up to fight to defend his friends. Santhosh was all set to do his third film with the late Puneeth Rajkumar for Hombale Films, when he tragically passed away. The script of Yuva is said to be a derivative of the story that the filmmaker had in mind for Puneeth. The actor-director duo, we hear, will collaborate on at least one more film thereafter.
The actor’s launchpad, incidentally, was supposed to happen much earlier and a period film called Yuva Ranadheera had been announced as well. To be directed by Puneeth Rudranag, this film did not take off eventually, even though they had released a character teaser.
Yuva Rajkumar, comes with a certain weight on his shoulder – not only is he the latest from the Rajkumar family to make baby steps in cinema, but fans also see him as the one who will fill the void left by the late Power Star. There are expectations of him and he should be able to live up to it, given that he has been preparing for this moment for a while.
Fans of the Doddmane (as the Rajkumar family is known), are overjoyed with all that is coming their way in March. On the 8th, Shivarajkumar has his next release, Karataka Damanaka, while on the 15th, Puneeth’s blockbuster Jackie is being re-released and then, on the 29th, Yuva comes out.