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Tovino to be seen in four different get-ups in Minnal Murali, including yet-to-be-revealed superhero attire?

The movie, directed by Basil Joseph, will release directly on Netflix on December 24

Tovino to be seen in four different get-ups in Minnal Murali, including yet-to-be-revealed superhero attire?
Tovino's different looks in Minnal Murali

Last Updated: 08.49 AM, Nov 02, 2021


After a wait spanning over a year, fans finally got a detailed glimpse of director Basil Joseph’s superhero film Minnal Murali, which has Tovino Thomas in the lead. The trailer of the Netflix release, which dropped a few days ago, revealed the actor’s different looks in the movie along with introducing his superhero costume – or at least one version of it.

In what seems to be a classic superhero origin story, through the trailer, the viewers got to see Tovino’s Jason, who acquires superhero power after being struck by lightning, testing his powers, trying on guises to protect his identity and even stitching his own costume – before the final attire reveal.

Incidentally, the trailer, which has already racked up over 8 million views in 5 days, also showcased several other get-ups of Tovino’s character. The actor recently revealed through his social media post that it’s not always that an actor gets to play “dynamic” characters such as Minnal Murali. “From a retro romantic to a dashing superhero, here are three different versions of Jaison I got to play in this kickass film!” he wrote, adding that there’s another version that will be revealed to the audience in the film when it releases on Christmas eve in six languages – Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi and English.


Minnal Murali is set in the 90s but Tovino had earlier also revealed that he will playing the character in the contemporary era as well. So, could the version that he was talking about be the modern get-up of his superhero character – after his costume has got some tech upgrades and final alterations? Either way, the movie, which also has Aju Varghese, Femina George, Guru Somasundaram, Baiju Santosh and Mammukoya, is one of the most-anticipated releases this year.

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