Priyanka Chopra recently shared her opinion over theatre v/s OTT debate. The actress believes the big screen experience is special.
Last Updated: 01.10 PM, Jan 02, 2025
Priyanka Chopra has seen the best of both worlds - Cinema and OTT! The global icon has been part of several successful movies and done a hit web show, Citadel. Amid the rising popularity of OTT platforms and their content, there seems to be a concern about theatres surviving. In the latest interview with Hindustan Times, Priyanka shared her opinion on the theatre v/s OTT debate. While she feels both mediums are 'incredible to have', the actress believes the big screen experience will always be special.
Priyanka Chopra told the news publication that we have been living in an incredible time where everyone can access entertainment in every way possible. Having said that, the actress praised the big screen experience and feels the magic of theatres will never fade.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra opens up about her biggest struggle in Hollywood—here's what she revealed!
"There’s nothing quite like entering a darkened theatre and watching a movie, not just with friends and family, but by a room full of strangers, all connected by the viewing experience. The big screen’s scale, sound, and immersive atmosphere add to make it a special experience. I don’t think the magic of movie theatres will ever fade," said Priyanka.
She further shared her thoughts from a technical point of view. The actress believes the advancement in technology proves that the cinematic experience is getting better by the day. In her opinion, the continued innovation in the theatre experience will keep bringing people back to cinemas.
On the work front, Priyanka has confirmed that she will make her Bollywood comeback soon. The actress is close to signing a film soon. Having said that, the actress currently has three exciting projects lined up. She will be seen in The Buff and Heads of State. Chopra will be back with the second season of Russo Brothers' Citadel. The actress will reprise her character of Nadia in the show.
In the meantime, stay tuned to this space for more updates!