Chris Black’s action series follows the aftermath of the Godzilla monster movie, along with some high-risk, life turning events. The series will be available to stream in November. Here’s more...
Last Updated: 12.47 AM, Nov 15, 2023
Apple TV Plus’ new monster series of the MonsterVerse Franchise is all set to roll the epic drama with Hollywood’s stalwart actors unveiling the dark secrets of the monster world. The project is a joint-venture production between Legendary Television, Safehouse Pictures and Toho.
When and Where to watch
Chris Black’s Sci-fi series will stream on Apple TV+ from November 17 onwards. This 10-episodic series is the sixth installment and the second television series in the MonsterVerse Franchise. Based on Godzilla, the new saga narrates a secretive tale of an earth-shattering clash between Godzilla and Titans, leaving the city of San Franciso in ruins. Previously, the streaming giant unveiled the anticipated trailer. Have a look here:
Co-developed by Black and Matt Fraction, Monarch: Legacy Of Monsters unfolds the story of a special organization called Monarch and a family entangled in the dark web of secrets, lies, and disbelief.
The epic tales span across three generations, from the 1950s to nearly half a century later. The multi-timeline follows two siblings embarking on the search for truth and secret monster life, following the footsteps of their mysterious father. The Adventurous journey will keep you glued to the screens, making it harder to wait for upcoming episodes.
Cast of Monarch: Legacy Of Monsters
Created by Chris Black, this upcoming action series follows Hollywood legendary actor Kurt Russell leading the cast, along with Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, Ren Watabe, Mari Yamamoto, Anders Holm, Joe Tippett, and Elisa Lasowski.
You can stream the episodes on Apple TV+