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Álvaro Morte aka The Professor on Money Heist final season: It's quite exhausting, in a good way

Money Heist Part 5 Volume 2 will stream on Netflix from December 3, 2021.

Álvaro Morte aka The Professor on Money Heist final season: It's quite exhausting, in a good way

Last Updated: 09.09 AM, Oct 03, 2021


Álvaro Morte has become a global name with his role as The Professor in the Netflix series Money Heist. Now as only two months are left for the streaming of the final season, the actor gave a hint on what one can expect from the last part. During an interaction with PTI, Morte shared that Money Heist Part 1 Volume 2 will have a lot of tension and a lot of action. 

The actor told the media agency, "I can't tell you how the series is going to end, they would cut my throat and I can't tell you if it's as good or not. Man, I hope so."

He said the season is very exciting and it's rewarding for him as an actor. Morte further shared, "But you have to get into that mindset and it's quite exhausting, in a good way."


When asked about his best memory, the actor said that it's the time he shared with the whole team. Morte said, "The best memory I have, without a doubt, is the team. No doubt about it."

He added that his connection with his character has given him a lot and he had a great time playing The Professor and when he got to do his thing.

Morte said that the whole team knew it's going to be a very tough project from the beginning, but the feeling of working together like a 'well-oiled machine' so that the process could turn out well has been a great experience for him.

In the upcoming season, the gang has been shut in the Bank of Spain for over 100 hours. While Tokyo (Úrsula Corberó) sacrificed her life so that the gang can execute their escape plan. On the other hand, her death has sent shockwaves to everyone including The Professor who has been handling the plan from the outside in the presence of Alicia Sierra (Najwa Nimri).

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